Discover the latest research outputs from the GenomeMET project, contributing to advancements in genomic profiling for cancer care. Our publications, ranging from peer-reviewed articles to conference presentations, are central to our mission of enhancing diagnostic accuracy and supporting precision medicine.
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November 2024 (Denver, USA)
GenomeMET at ISLB Conference
​GenomeMET partners GenQA and MHRA attended the @International Society of Liquid Biopsy annual conference in Denver, USA, last month and showcased some of the activities supported by the project. Prof. Sandi Deans, Director of GenQA, presented on a new EQA scheme to assess the quality and quantity of cell-free DNA extracted from plasma samples. Leandro Lo Cascio, Principal Investigator from MHRA’s Science, Research & Innovation Group, presented on the development of a candidate WHO reference material for EGFR variants in circulating tumour DNA.​